Glass Thimble Dome - 5 1/2" x 11"

Product ID: JLA-335-TP-thimble-dome
Display your prized collection of thimbles in this elegant glass dome with acrylic insert that has knobs on each shelf to hold your thimbles in place securely. Dome measures 5 1/2" in diameter and 10 5/8" tall including a beautiful hardwood base with a walnut finish. Platform insert has 5 shelves that can hold up to 42 thimbles. It's time to get that collection on display!

***Note: The specialized insert that is part of this display is a custom built item that is made at the time of order. Please allow up to 2 weeks for shipment.***
Price: $209.88
1 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Show All)
Thimbles on Display!
- 1/15/2018
I finally have my grandmother's thimbles on display in this dome! I'm so glad I finally bought this...they look great and are a real conversation piece.