Drinkware Storage - White - Wine Glass Storage #1Drinkware Storage - White - Wine Glass Storage #2

Drinkware Storage - White - Wine Glass Storage

Product ID: APR-B0000-wine-glass-storage
Store, organize, and transport your cherished drinkware with our white stemware storage chest. Protect and keep your glassware, goblets and special wine glasses in good condition. Features white vinyl and zipper that keeps glasses sealed and protected from dust, dirt, and stains. Measures approximately 8 1/4"H x 15 1/2"W x 11"D. Service for 12.
Price: $24.03
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1 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Show All)
inexpensive storage option
- 2/22/2018
Only a positive review. Keeps my glassware clean and safe. Easy stacking. Cheap and easy storage.

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