Motorized Turntable - 200 Pound Capacity - Skeleton #1 Motorized Turntable - 200 Pound Capacity - Skeleton #2 Motorized Turntable - 200 Pound Capacity - Skeleton #3

Motorized Turntable - 200 Pound Capacity - Skeleton

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Product ID VUM-ST200-turntable
High quality and made in the U.S.A., this solid turntable runs off a DC motor and can hold up to 200 pounds. If you will be designing your own frame or cover for this motor, you can save some money by purchasing the skeleton version of the motor.
* Weight Capacity us 200 pounds
* Speed, Choice of 1.3 RPM, 2.00 RPM or 2.6 RPM
* Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise rotation
* 24 VDC Brushless Motor, low noise, no heat
* Power Supply Transformer (120 VAC/60Hz), 2.1mm power jack, center +
* Product Weight is 9.6 pounds
* Dimensions of Base Plate 10.5" diameter, Top Plate 8" diameter, 5.25" tall
* Top sizes and descriptions:
- 8", 12" & 17" sizes are available in 1/4" thick masonite, painted on top/edge.
- 12" Steel is painted matte black.
- 17" Steel is textured black powder coat.
- 23" Steel is painted matte black with a turned edge.

Note: As with all turntables, the height, width, and distribution of weight all have an impact on the torque load placed on the motor. If your display is taller than 12", or wider than the top disk, or if the weight is distributed unevenly, you may need a higher weight capacity turntable.
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Price: $1,039.38
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