Turntable With Outlet - 12" Round - 50 Pounds
Product ID: 110-12E

Turntable With Outlet - 12" Round - 50 Pounds


High quality and made in the U.S.A., this solid turntable runs off a 120 volt outlet and can hold up to 50 pounds. Turntable features a rotating outlet for plugging in a 120 volt item for display. Platform is 12" in diameter and turns clockwise at 2 RPM. Base is solid black and measures 7 3/4" in diameter. Unit is 4 3/4" high. Available with two additional options: 1 RPM -OR- counterclockwise rotation. 4 amp maximum output. Inexpensive and durable, you won't be disappointed with this turntable!

Note: As with all turntables, the height, width, and distribution of weight all have an impact on the torque load placed on the motor. If your display is taller than 12", or wider than the top disk, or if the weight is distributed unevenly, you may need a higher weight capacity turntable.
Price: $824.13
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